

Thursday, November 14, 2013

3 Ways to Have More Energy

1. Try Eating no Processed Grains

For most people, cutting out processed grains corresponds to a HUGE energy boosts. I recommend that you do an experiment to see if this is true for you. For two weeks, go without eating any processed grains: pasta, bread, crackers, etc. Potatoes or other natural unprocessed sources of carbohydrates are okay. If you feel the boost of energy I did, stick with the diet.

2. When You go to Bed, go to Bed. When You Wake up, Wake up

I used to be guilty of the complete opposite of this. I would read in bed, sometimes even until I fell asleep. I would use my phone to play games or text friends with the lights off, wrapped up in my blankets. When I woke up, I would lay there for a while, for hours sometimes. These behaviors have several disadvantages:

  • They establish the bed as a place for things other than sleep. When you start using your bed as I recommend, you and your body will know that when you are in bed, it is time to sleep
  • Using electronics before bed makes you more tired
  • Snoozing makes you more tired. When you wake up, you usually have completed a sleep cycle. Going back to sleep brings you into a new sleep cycle, making you wake up even more tired when your snooze time is up
  • You decrease your hours of sleep

3. Morning Habits: Move, Eat, and Drink

Most people are tired in the morning because they inadvertently starve their body, depriving of what it needs to wake up.

When you wake up, your body needs water. You have not drank a drop in the last 8 hours, and are dehydrated. The first thing I do every morning is to drink 2 tall glasses of water.

The next thing to do is to get your blood pumping, even if it is a 2-minute spring down the block, a minute of pushups, or just jumping up and down for 30 seconds. This will really wake you up and make you more energized.

After this, eat a big breakfast high on protein. Breakfast is supposed to be the biggest meal of the day, and dinner the smallest. Most people do it the wrong way around. Think about it, when you wake up in the morning, your body hasn't eaten in 8 hours. Whether you feel it or not, it needs food! Here are some great options to eat as your breakfast staple, along with your fresh fruits and veggies:
  • Eggs
  • Bacon
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Peanut butter
  • Dairy

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