

Thursday, November 21, 2013

How to Sleep on Your Back

We all know that we should be doing it. Sleeping on your back allows easier breathing and corresponds to an increased quality of sleep, and increased energy. Sleeping on your side or stomach presses your face into the pillow causes wrinkles at an early age.

So how do we make the switch?

Here are some tips to adopt the habit of sleeping on your back:

1. Practice

Every habit takes time to sink in.

This is the most important element. I guarantee you that on the first night that you attempt to sleep on your back, you won't do very well. Even if you follow the other tips I am about to tell you, you will take a very long time to fall asleep, if you don't give up.

What you should do is commit to sleeping on your back every night for two weeks. From my experience, this is about how long it takes to get used to a new sleeping position. If you have some other commitments that require consistent sleep, then put it off for a date where you know you will show up.

2. Good Evening Habits

To increase the ease at which you fall asleep, I recommend that you do the following things:

Eat a light dinner at lease 3 hours before bed

In the hour before you go to bed:

  • No electronics. No TV, no computer, no browsing through your phone 
  • No physical exercise. This includes walking, dancing, and yes, masturbation 

  • Immediately before going to bed, meditate

    3. Good sleeping environment

    Eliminate any extraneous sources of light and sound, and if you cannot do so then wear earplugs and/or a sleeping mask.

    Have a glass of water by your bedside so that if you get thirsty, you don't need to get out of bed.

    I hope you found this article useful. Good luck!

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